Premier League clubs go back to training

Premier League clubs have unanimously approved plans to resume training in small groups from TuesdayPremier League clubs have unanimously approved plans to resume training in small groups from Tuesday
Premier League clubs have unanimously approved plans to resume training in small groups from Tuesday
Premier League clubs have unanimously approved plans to resume training in small groups from Tuesday as part of the competition's Project Restart strategy.

Players must practise social distancing at all times, the league said, with contact training not permitted at this stage.

Testing for coronavirus at top-flight clubs has taken place over the last two days, and will continue throughout the training period and the return to match action in a bid to make the environment as safe as possible for all concerned.

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The league was suspended on March 13 but no date for a resumption has yet been fixed.

The protocols were presented to players and managers on conference calls which took place last week.

A Premier League statement read: "Strict medical protocols of the highest standard will ensure everyone returns to training in the safest environment possible.

"The health and well-being of all participants is the Premier League's priority, and the safe return to training is a step-by-step process.

"Full consultation will now continue with players, managers, clubs, the PFA and LMA as protocols for full-contact training are developed."

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