'Give George Williams time to settle into NRL,' urges Ricky Stuart

George Williams is the fifth Englishman in the Raiders sideGeorge Williams is the fifth Englishman in the Raiders side
George Williams is the fifth Englishman in the Raiders side | other
George Williams is on course to make his NRL debut for Canberra tomorrow.

And his coach Ricky Stuart is hoping critics and fans give the ex-Warriors and England halfback time to settle and not rush to judge his performances.

"I know George's game will get picked apart by all the experts who know more than everyone else,'' the former Kangaroos No.7 told the Sydney Morning Herald.

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"It will take time for George to settle in. I'm not rushing him or putting any time frame on him (firing). I'm very excited he's here playing for Canberra.

"It's important I develop George's game. People have told me he's a running-style of half, that he doesn't organise or manage a game dominantly.

"But I'll help him with that. I've always been a coach who will work to a team's strengths, and he's added a great strength to our game.''

Williams becomes the fifth Englishman in the Raiders squad after Josh Hodgson, Elliott Whitehead and ex-Wigan duo John Bateman and Ryan Sutton moved to the Australian capital.

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"The: thing with George is he's a world-class player and the reason we signed him is because he'll relish that pressure," said Bateman.

"I'm not saying 'round one expect him to score four tries' but George will find his feet and once he does he'll be the player we all expect."

Canberra against Gold Coast Titans is on at 7am.