Shocking but credible alternative version of 9/11 story

The Trigger by David Icke is available to buy from major online retailersThe Trigger by David Icke is available to buy from major online retailers
The Trigger by David Icke is available to buy from major online retailers
Henry Widdas and James Reader delve into a 900-page book that aims to lift the lid on probably the most significant moment of the 21st century...

David Icke is often branded a conspiracy theorist but in his latest book he suggests those who believe the official story of 9/11 are the true conspiracy theorists.

Icke throws down a daunting gauntlet in The Trigger by inviting readers to consider an alternative version of what President George W Bush described at the time as the “Pearl Harbour of the 21st century”.

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The Trigger’s 900 pages are brimming with referenced facts but author and investigative journalist Icke, 67, manages to keep the tone chatty and informal.

Like a barrister summing up a court case, he uses the evidence presented to carefully put forward reasoned arguments that challenge the official story, known as The 9/11 Commission Report which itself is 600 pages long.

That report's co-chair, Lee Hamilton, wrote in his own book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission, that the commission's investigation was "set up to fail" due to a lack of resources and time.

Not a problem for Icke who says he’s spent most days since September 11, 2001, looking at 9/11 and its greater meaning and consequences.

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The Trigger examines evidence from architects, engineers, firefighters and pilots to suggest the Bin Laden scenario does not add up and he looks to show who is responsible.

He alleges 9/11 was engineered with the intention of falsely blaming Islamic extremists so anti-US governments in the Middle East could be overthrown.

The Trigger, across its 27 chapters, covers scores of topics and some of the more intriguing information is drawn from analysis of:

* World Trade Centre Building 7 which fell like a “controlled demolition” on the day of the attacks but was not hit by a plane

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* Operation Northwoods - a 1960s US Department of Defence plan (which was to involve civilian aircraft) for the CIA to commit acts of terrorism against American citizens and for Cuba to be blamed

* Alleged foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks - notably through stock market trading and an insurance deal for the World Trade Centre buildings in July 2001

* Rebuilding America’s Defences - a US political think tank document written in September 2000 by, amongst others, those about to come to power in the Bush administration, calling for regime change in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran, and that for this to happen speedily a Pearl Harbour-type event was needed.

* Evidence from Pilots for 9/11 Truth suggesting telephone calls from two of the hijacked planes, Flight 77 and Flight 93, could not have been made from those flights due to a documented lack of in-flight phones and mobile phones of the day not working at that altitude.

The Trigger: The Lie That Changed The World - Who Really Did It And Why is available to buy online from major retailers.