Pupils, staff, visitors and events from over several decades feature.

17. Pupils at St Benedict's showed their appreciation for the kind support shown by the Nat=West Bank, Wigan Branch, of the Metropolitan Wigan Rotary Life Education Project, during a visit to the school. Senior Business Manager Clive Porter, left, is thanked for the Bank's £500 donation by Philip Eastwood (Project Chairman). Looking on are Sue Elliott (Educator), Lauretta Burton (Project Promotion and Development Manager) and Headmaster John Pimblett. The Project, managed by the Rotary movement, travels to all schools in the Borough, educating children, through the use of technology, in the dangers of drug and substance abuse

18. Pupils from Cardinal Newman High School and St Benedict's who were performing at Hindley Music Festival in 1983
. Photo: STAFF

19. The Bishop of Liverpool, Vincent Malone officially opened the new ICT computer suite at St Benedict's in 2001. Pictured with him are children from Y6, teacher Hayley Robinson and acting headteacher Christine Fisher

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