Below are the highest-rated hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses in Blackpool, according to Google reviewsBelow are the highest-rated hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses in Blackpool, according to Google reviews
Below are the highest-rated hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses in Blackpool, according to Google reviews

The best hotels in Blackpool: These are the highest-rated hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses in Blackpool, according to Google reviews

With so many fantastic things to see and do in Blackpool it’s no wonder there are hundreds of hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses to cater for all the weekend fun-seekers and holidaymakers.

There are more than 500 hotels, bed & breakfasts and guest houses listed on Google with a rating of 4.5 or higher and we’ve whittled that down to the 68 highest rated, that’s those with a perfect rating of either 5 out of 5 or a nearly perfect 4.9 out of 5 from at least 20 reviews.

Here are the first 36 and the second batch is now live and can be viewed here. They are in no particular order.

And if you want to see all the hotels, their rating and more pictures you can see them for yourselves on Google here

And if you want to see all the hotels, their rating and more pictures you can see them for yourselves on Google here

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