Establishments are given a rating of 0-5 when they are inspectedEstablishments are given a rating of 0-5 when they are inspected
Establishments are given a rating of 0-5 when they are inspected

These are the restaurants, cafes and takeaways in Wigan with only a 1 star rating following their most recent hygiene inspection

A number of restaurants, cafes and takeaways in Wigan have been given a lowly one-star rating following their most recent hygiene inspection.

Businesses that serve food are rated on a scale of zero (the lowest) to five (the highest) on how hygienically it is handled; how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored, the condition of the structure of the buildings; the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities as well as how the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.

The inspections continue throughout the year, with rating designed to provide reassurance to customers.

Establishments are also marked on food-handling practices and procedures and temperature control, as well as its structural compliance, such as cleanliness, lay-out, condition of structure, lighting, ventilation and facilities.

Businesses are also marked on confidence in management, which is graded on the performance of those in charge and issues such as how well guidelines are understood by the workforce as well as things such as the track record of the company and complaint history.

Here are the restaurants, cafes and takeaways that received just one star in their most recent inspection ...

Establishments are also marked on food-handling practices and procedures and temperature control, as well as its structural compliance, such as cleanliness, lay-out, condition of structure, lighting, ventilation and facilities.

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