The late Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation was celebrated across the country 70 years ago and many Wiganers held street parties. Here are a few submitted photographs and pictures of Her Majesty when she visited Wigan, a year after the Coronation in 1953.
. 1954
1954 - The years after her Coronation the new Queen visits Wigan to open the John McCindy Hall. Photo: submitted
A crowd gathered to see their new Queen, as Queen Elizabeth paid her first royal visit to Wigan just a year after her coronation. The photo was taken at the bottom of Market Street. Photo: Submitted
READER PICTURE - Patricia Parr from Standish now in her 80s, features in this photograph aged 16, celebrating the Queen's Coronation at the Weaving Shed at Enfield Mill, Pemberton - they put up bunting, flags and posters. Photo: submitted
READER PICTURE - Patricia Parr from Standish now 86, features in this photograph aged 16, celebrating the Queen's Coronation at the Weaving Shed at Enfield Mill, Pemberton - they put up bunting, flags and posters. Photo: submitted
Wigan Observer reader Lois Gregory, pictured as the Queen (centre) with David Flanigan as the Duke of Edinburgh, pictured with children from Chapel Street, Queen Street, Princess Street, Vine Grove and Wood Street, Wigan - celebrating the Queen's Coronation 70 years ago. Photo: Submitted