Pretoria Pit Commemoration 2023Pretoria Pit Commemoration 2023
Pretoria Pit Commemoration 2023

GALLERY: Remembering the men and boys killed in Wigan borough mining disaster

Scores of people braved stormy weather to pay tribute to the 344 men and boys who died in one of the country’s worst mining disasters.

Strong winds and rain did not deter people from gathering in Atherton on the site of Pretoria Pit to remember what happened there 113 years ago.

There was an underground explosion at 7.50am on December 21, 1910, caused by a build-up of gas.

It claimed the lives of hundreds of people, with most families in the area losing loved ones in the disaster.

The annual service of commemoration on Thursday saw the descendants of those killed, politicians, trade union members and others pay their respects.

The Reverend Lynne Readett was the master of ceremonies and there were poems, music including a song by Jim Berry from the Houghton Weavers, prayers and blessings.

Wreaths were laid at the memorial during the service in honour of those who lost their lives.

It claimed the lives of hundreds of people, with most families in the area losing loved ones in the disaster.

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