If you can’t say yes to at least half of these, are you a true Wiganer? Only you can answer that.
Let’s get cracking …

. You aren't a true Wiganer if you haven't done at least half of these things
You aren't a true Wiganer if you haven't done at least half of the things listed below Photo: NW

. Had a 'Wigan Kebab'
Can you really call yourself a true Wiganer if you've never had three pies on a stick? Photo: NW

. Put your fancy dress on for Boxing Day party night
The traditional donning of fancy dress for Boxing Day night on King Street should be in your arsenal if you're a true Wiganer! Photo: NW

. Told a non Wiganer that The Verve are from Wigan
It's a pretty big boast to have in your locker and one you should use as often as possible! Photo: NW

1. You aren't a true Wiganer if you haven't done at least half of these things
You aren't a true Wiganer if you haven't done at least half of the things listed below Photo: NW

2. Had a 'Wigan Kebab'
Can you really call yourself a true Wiganer if you've never had three pies on a stick? Photo: NW

3. Put your fancy dress on for Boxing Day party night
The traditional donning of fancy dress for Boxing Day night on King Street should be in your arsenal if you're a true Wiganer! Photo: NW

4. Told a non Wiganer that The Verve are from Wigan
It's a pretty big boast to have in your locker and one you should use as often as possible! Photo: NW