It features fighters of all kinds, bodybuilders, sporting stars keeping in trim, youngsters’ work-outs and fitness-related charity events.

1. The team from Profile Fitness Gym, Wigan are pictured with their captain Jodie Peacock (front right) before they set off on a women's race in St Helens in aid of Cancer Research.
. Photo: send in

2. Bodybuilder Wayne Lockett in training for the World Championships at Body Fitness Gym, Standish
. Photo: Nick Fairhurst

3. Angela Cooke, right, winner of Miss Wigan Physique, and sister Sharon, third in the Miss Wigan Figure contest, show off their trophies at Catt's Gym Orrell
. Photo: NF

4. Wigan Athletic players involved in gymnastic training at Springfield Park in the 1960s
. Photo: STAFF
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