Wigan scientist steps back in time with debut book on ancient history

Tfffany DanielsTfffany Daniels
Tfffany Daniels
A Wigan scientist and entrepreneur has told how she has turned author to launch her debut history-themed book.

Shevington-born Tiffany Daniels, 32, may be used to dealing with the day to day pressures of establishing and running a Manchester-based biotech company.

But she has recently taken a bold leap out of her comfort zone to publish her debut book

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The book ‘Antiquity: Drawing a Blank?’ sees her enter unknown territory to try to bridge the gap in our understanding of our most ancient history.

Tiffany, who now lives n Roby Mill, Upholland, and is founder and chief executive officer of innovative drug-development company BiVictriX Therapeutics Ltd, said: “When I was a teenager, my dad wanted to publish a book so he self-published and it ended up doing really well.

“From then on, I thought it was a pretty cool thing to do and I’ve always wanted to write one ever since.

“The book is non-fiction, as I went to Shevington High School and did history and the usual topics about the Second World War but I and a lot of people of my age have very little knowledge of ancient history such as Romans and Egyptians as it wasn’t covered. So I’ve done my research and thought I would write a book with different chapters of history for people to easily


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It is quite a change from a career which sees her look to revolutionise the treatment of aggressive cancers through designing novel, highly cancer-selective drugs.

But Tiffany has made opportune use of quiet time during lockdown to venture far away from her technical roots in clinical science.

She said: “It’s essential that as adults we continue to keep our minds re-energised and our imagination rejuvenated by taking a break from our day-to-day normality and venturing out of our comfort zone.

“Remembering that often inspiration for a seemingly unrelated topic can be found from within the most unlikely places.”

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Purposely delivered in bite-sized chunks, the book is complete with 17 carefully crafted


She hopes the book will inspire both the young and old alike from all different walks of life to fill a few gaps in their knowledge of early history and help them find answers to questions they may have never even thought to ask.

She said: “There is much we can learn from our ancient ancestors.

“These men included some of the most ingenious people to have ever existed, leapfrogging us from simple beings to forming the complex civilisations we are so accustomed to today.

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“It’s important that we stop from time-to-time and look back to these early minds to help find new inspiration to propel ourselves forward in our modern-day pursuits.”

Antiquity: Drawing a Blank?” is available in print copy or as a Kindle ebook.